Quality management system: What can you do with it?

Want to measure quality in the broadest sense within your company? Then a quality management system might be just what you need. We’re happy to tell you more about the function of a quality management system, the best way to set up a quality system, and finding suitable and high-quality quality management system software.

What is a quality management system?

A quality management system (QMS) ensures quality management within the company. With a good quality system, the overall quality of processes, operations, and services can be improved. A quality management system consists of a structured approach where processes, procedures, and responsibilities are monitored to meet quality goals and customer expectations. Managing quality in this way helps organizations deliver products that consistently align with requirements, such as those outlined in ISO 9001, which includes guidelines for implementing strong quality management.

Why use a quality management system?

Delivering products that consistently meet customer expectations and legal requirements leads to higher customer satisfaction. Working according to standards like ISO 9001 also increases customer and stakeholder trust, strengthens the company’s reputation, and offers new market opportunities. With structured processes and procedures, a quality management system helps achieve greater efficiency, reduce waste, and limit errors. Additionally, more data is collected, which can be used as the basis for quality analyses. Summarized in one term, it would absolutely be ‘continuous improvement.’ Continuously focusing on enhancing quality and eliminating waste and errors improves business processes little by little, creating a culture that offers a significant competitive advantage.

ISO 9001

Quality management and ISO 9001 are inextricably linked. The international standard for quality management systems is a true guideline, especially in production environments. ISO 9001 provides a clear framework for developing efficient quality processes where continuous improvement, risk management, and customer satisfaction are key themes. ISO 9001 requires documentation of procedures, regular audits, and performance measurements. By adhering to these requirements, processes are standardized, defects and errors are reduced, and product quality becomes more consistent. Production environments certified with ISO 9001 not only meet international quality standards but also improve their efficiency and gain customer trust. ISO 9001 is therefore an integral part of existing quality management systems.

Who is responsible for quality management?

Quality management is the responsibility of everyone contributing to the organization and business processes. However, the ultimate responsibility lies with top management. Developing, implementing, and maintaining the quality management system is the task of a manager or supervisor. They also establish the goals and vision of quality management. But when it comes to managing the quality system and management on a daily basis, the responsibility lies with the quality manager. This quality manager is involved daily in conducting audits, analysing performance, and guiding improvement potential. While supervisors and managers primarily focus on overarching quality management and task management, where responsibilities are divided, daily checks and improvements are handled by the quality manager.

What should a quality management system meet?

A good quality management system should not miss the mark. This means the quality system should improve structure and quality without adding more work. A quality management system should fit well with the organization. A good quality system can mean something different for each company. However, it is essential for all organizations that the desired information is easily readable from the system. The system must also align with international standards like ISO 9001 and encompass enough processes and procedures to plan, control, and improve quality. This is achievable if the system simplifies documentation and is flexible enough to adapt to market, technology, and regulatory changes. To be effective, a QMS must meet several criteria but can look different for each organization.

How to set up a quality management system?

As mentioned above, setting up a quality management system is often custom work. To create a QMS that fits the organization well, start by establishing quality objectives. Then link the processes and procedures needed to achieve these goals and document everything according to ISO 9001 standards. Responsibilities, checklists and forms, work instructions, and quality standards are part of this documentation. Ensure that employees are sufficiently trained to perform and document their tasks so that valuable feedback can be collected. Using this feedback and the data collected from performance measurements, effectiveness can be monitored, and improvements can be initiated. Want to centralize all these steps for setting up a quality management system and making results visible? Request an EZ-GO demo and experience how easy quality management can be.

Questions about quality management system software?

Finding it challenging to choose quality management system software that fits your organization well? We understand! There are many options available for different types of companies. We are happy to help you find QMS software that meets your organization’s needs and requirements, ensuring more efficiency without adding worries and confusion. With suitable software, you can also enhance the quality of your organization! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like a first impression of our own EZ-GO platform.