EZ Factory: “Making apps is simple, but the most difficult thing there is, is making simple apps”

Our passion: Power to the Operator!

We want to make factory floor operations easier by using digital solutions. The founders of EZ Factory have worked
side by side with operators for years and learned from this experience. In every factory they saw the same challenges:

  • Low safety awareness as paper task registrations and audit trails are difficult to monitor
  • Quality issues as poor execution of non-updated tasks result in quality defects and recalls
  • Low productivity as execution and follow-up of checks audits and tasks takes up a lot of time
  • Long downtime as execution of first-hand maintenance tasks is poor due to lack of overview
  • With current practices it is hard to offer operators direct clear and up-to-date instructions
  • Finally it’s hard to effectively empower operators to be committed and manage their work autonomously
  • It’s even more difficult to allow operators to contribute to continuous process improvement

Our story

Randy Appiah and Robert Bouwman developed the first version of the EZ-GO app in 2017. ,,We want to help operators in factories by making their daily work easier, more fun and efficiently”, explains Robert. ,,Use of paper forms, checklists and etc. is still enormous, but this can be done differently”, Randy adds. ,,That’s why we sat around the table with operators from different factories, to discuss how the mobile and visual app should look like. Now they have everything combined in one device. They can check in the app; what they have to do that day, how they should do it and when they need to do it.”

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Our way of working

We know the industry by heart and are eager to help you to make your daily work easier. Thanks to our user-friendly, mobile and visual apps every operator know what he or she needs to do, when to do it and how to do it. We visualize the work and make it easy with only a few clicks on the screen needed.

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What we can do for your factory


Compliant with internal
and external standards




Faster training
new operators


Recurring financial

Calculate cost savings
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Made by operators

One of our answers to this question is the EZ-GO app. We have developed this together with operators from renowned companies. They told us what they needed and together with a designer we translated that into an user-friendly app, in which images and videos are key elements. EZ-GO is easy to use: you log in and know at a glance what your core tasks will be for that day. This enhances safety, quality and efficiency.

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100% satisfied customers

Several companies are already working with the EZ-GO platform. Our customers are multinationals and SMEs. From operator to director: everyone is enthusiastic. After a trial period, all customers are excited to continue using our apps, and independently roll out the EZ-GO app to other production lines and locations. In everything we do, we always put the interests of our customers first. We work side by side with our customers and help to determine and achieve success factors.

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We focus on the operator

With our visual apps and standardized processes, we want to make daily work easier and therefore more fun. What is unique to EZ-GO is that we focus on the operator. Our slogan is: ”Power to the Operator!” After all, this is the man or woman on the factory floor who performs the tasks and can identify where and how processes may be optimized. Our goal is therefore to make their daily work easy and the operator happy!

Do you want to know more?

Contact us for a demo and discover the added value of the EZ-GO platform for your production environment

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