Work instructions are an important part of a safe, efficient, and productive working environment. Especially…
Knowledge Base

Everything about Industry 4.0
After several industrial revolutions, we currently find ourselves in the middle of the development of…

The Kaizen method: What is it and how does it work?
Every production environment is essentially an improvement environment. After all, continuous efforts are made to…

Everything about the Internet of Things
It might sound incredibly complex: the Internet of Things. However, the Internet of Things is…

The connected worker: more pleasure, better productivity
For problem-free and efficient production, operators need to be able to communicate easily with each…

Business Intelligence software: What is it and what can you do with it?
Digitizing and automating production processes provides companies with an abundance of data. But how can…
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Flawless Shift Handover
To maintain productivity, the handover from one shift to the next is crucial in a…
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7 steps to successful autonomous maintenance
Autonomous Maintenance (AM) is arguably the most critical key to Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). By…

Achieving success in Lean Manufacturing
In the manufacturing industry, Lean manufacturing is indispensable. Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy that…

Attracting and onboarding the new generation of operators
The new generation of operators are digital natives. They have grown up with the internet,…